Introducing Chrissy Arsenault, MBA, RDN

Throughout my adolescence, I mistakenly believed that healthy eating meant extreme restrictions, including hours of doing crunches and cardio, reducing my calories, taking diet pills, and following crazy fad diets, until I was as thin as 95 pounds. I had an unhealthy relationship with food and had years of on and off dieting.

Something had to change.

I wanted to change my lifestyle forever and thus decided to embark on my own personal journey toward better health and mental wellbeing.

To better understand the answers to my own questions, I decided to study nutrition while I was in college and worked as a personal trainer at the fitness center part-time. Studying nutrition helped me understand the science behind what healthy eating meant and the art behind how to make healthy habits stick. I love the ever-evolving world of food and nutrition and practice what I preach.

Helping others be healthier through eating is my “why”. It’s so rewarding to me to watch others thrive. I love to help build my clients’ confidence — and help them realize that they don’t need to constantly be on a diet or lose weight to feel good about themselves.

My philosophy to food:

  • All foods fit

  • Eat a lot of plants

  • Food is medicine

  • Small steps lead to success

  • Supplement if/when needed, but start with nutrient-dense foods

  • Healthy eating should be simple and fun!

  • (I follow an intuitive, yet macro-based approach - ask me for more details)

My Credentials

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, my goal is to help provide evidence-based guidance to help you understand nutrition in a digestible way.

Registered Dietitians are required to complete their bachelor’s degree, undergo 1,200+ hours of extensive hands-on training and clinical experience, and sit for a board exam. Additionally, Registered Dietitians are required to keep up with continuing education to stay relevant on evidence-based practice.

This means that I’m a nutrition expert you can trust.



  • Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science & Dietetics from Cornell University

  • Dietetic Internship through University of Kentucky Hospital

  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

  • MBA from Indiana University


Over seven (9) years of extensive experience:

  • Coaching clients in individual and group settings on weight management and chronic disease prevention & treatment

  • Appearance on media, TV, conferences, companies, and presentations nationwide

  • Designing, leading and executing wellness programs for small and large employers

  • Training clients at various gyms

Passion for fitness

  • Nationally ranked, drug tested competitive powerlifter in USAPL and USPA with 8 state records across the 48kg and 52kg categories

  • Worked as a Certified Personal Trainer for three (3) years

  • Completed two (2) half marathons

Chat with me

Let’s discuss how we can work together on your content needs or on your health.